
a dog means that the child inside yourself is made manifest
in canine form." -Cynthia Heimel
Look here and scroll down for
the latest News and photos at Promenade!
Fall 2015
- Gracen finished her championship in 4 weekends. she is now ch promenade point of grace CGCA. She also earned her advanced k9 good citizen award. Emma, Promenade Perfect Legacy CGC. Emma, garnered both majors and needs a few singles to earn her championship.
- Bo, Promenade Boson's Mate, earned both his UKC and AKC championships. Bo is owned by Patrick and Linda Linesch
Jul 2013
Xander wins the FSSA supported entry in Greenville, SC! Best of Breed and Best of Breed the following day also. Go Team Xander!! And Select Dog the first day. Great weekend for the Xan-Man Team!
Jul 2013
- Xander, GCH Promenade Pierce The Veil, garners a Group 2 under respected Judge Betsy Yates.

Jun 2013
- Gideon continues to be in the ribbons with 2 Group 1's.

- Our Tessa presented us with 8 puppies.

- Lynx, out of Gideon and Tessa, finishes her Championship at the Toledo Supported Entry Show.
May 2013
- Xander, GCh Promenade Pierce The Veil, garners multiple Sporting Group placements.
- Gideon, GCH Promenade Pay It Forward, goes BEST IN SHOW, the first black Field Spaniel in the history of the breed to garner a Best In Show award.
Congratulations to owners Jane Chopson, Nicki Kuhn and myself. Many thanks to Lizzie Jordon for presenting Gideon!
Feb 2013
- Gideon GCh Promenade Pay It Forward, has more reserve Best in Show awards!
Jan 2013
- GCh Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, continues in the ribbons with more Group placements on the west coast.
Nov 2012
- GCH Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, who lives with Jane Chopson, in CA, has garnered TWO Group 1'2 this month in addition of other Sporting Group placements. This past weekend Gideon attended four days of shows and placed in the Group each day!! Gideon is Number 2 Field Spaniel All-Breed.
A dog fancier friend is calling him "the G Force"..:)
Congratulations to Jane Chopson and Gideon.
- Xander, Ch promenade Pierce The Veil, finished his Championship from the 12-18 classes in November with multiple Best of Breed wins over Champions, and a Sporting Group 4. Xander is a lovely, flashy black male out of our Gideon and Jenna. Gooooooooo Xander!!
Oct 2012
- Gideon, Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, wins Sporting Group 1 and on to the Reserve Best in Show award! Go TEAM GIDEON!!!!
Sept 2012
- Suki, Promenade Phoenix Rising, is off to hunt camp. Yea Suki!
Sept 2012
- Gideon, Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, garners more Sporting Group placements including three Group 2's!
And, Promenade Patience Pays Off, scored a 206 out of 210 at a Rally event in Pa. Shown by owner Pat in PA. Congrats!!
Sept 2012
- Eli and Paul pick up yet another point! Congratulations to Eli, Promenade Praise Worthy, and Paul!
August 2012
- Eli, Promenade Praise Worthy, garners a Puppy Group 1 !! Congrats to Eli and owner Paul in NY.
July 2012
- Gideon continues to bring home the ribbons with more Sporting Group placements! Go team Gideon!
June 2012
- Promenade Phoenix Rising goes Winners Bitch for a 4 pt MAJOR win at the supported entry in Toldeo, Ohio. Suki, a Tessa/Gideon daughter, is owned by Karen Balinski of Killara Field Spaniels.
- New champion!!! Toodles is now Ch Promenade Pistol Pete! In just 7 shows he went undefeated in the classes with 3 Best of Breed wins and is now a new champion!! Woohooo! Toodles is owned by Sue and Joyce and co bred by Jane Chopson. Toodles is out of Ian, Ch Promenade Personal Best and Jenna, Promenade Primrose Lane.
- Ian says "Excuse me, you forgot to brag on my other son Cole!"
Cole ,Ch Uplands Mr Bojangles At Lear (Ian and Nettie), owned byBeverly Dermody, knows 50 commands and is doing a summer program with medically fragile kids and still working on getting involved in the Freedom Dogs with Wounded Warriors.
I am so happy..my Emily and Lacey, who I miss so much, kids live on through these lovely dogs. Thank you Bev for all you do with Cole. This almost brings tear to my eyes.

- CAUGHT!!! We knew Asher was missing last week. Ian, his son, kept telling us NOT to worry; he would be back. His son would not ruin his secret. Well, he has been caught! My sister-in-law, Linda Schildman, somehow got him tickets to England to be a guest at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. I cut out the beer he was holding as he sat at the Elton John concert.
He has been grounded, lost all bed privileges, and special treats for a week! Bad dog Asher..... hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Oh com' on? Really???

Suki, Promenade Phoenix Rising, garnered her first Major win. Congratulations to owner Karen and Jr Handler Janice. Clap Clap Clap!! Suki is a Gideon/ Tessa daughter.

Mar 2012
- Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, Group 4 under Judge Steve Keating. Bravos!!
Feb 2012
- Grace Kofron who has Xander, Promenade Pierce the Veil, won the breed at Westminster 2012 with Xander's grandfather, Darcy, Gr Ch Winfarthing Pride and Prejudice. Congrats!
- Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, garnered another Group 3 at the Santa Clara Kennel Club with owner/handler Jane Chopson. Bravos!
Nov 2011
- One of the Jenna X Gideon puppies, Xander, Promenade Pierce the Veil, is living in WI with Grace Kofron. Two of the Teesa X Gideon puppies have moved to Hadley Acres, Daphene Stover, and Killara Field Spaniels, Karen Balinksi, for their performance and show careers. Good luck to all!
- Gideon, Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, garners a Group 3 at this first AKC show out west with his new owner and hander, Jane Chopson. And, he made the "cut" the following three days in the Sporting Group. Way to go, Gids!
Sept 2011
- In four days our favorite black Field Spaniel, Gideon, AKC Ch Promenade Pay It Forward, went Best of Opp Sex in Sweeps, Winners Dog, Best of Winners, New Champion title, pulled as one of 6 (the youngest dog) in the Best of Breed ring by the Judge out of 25, and Select Dog giving him points toward his Grand Ch title. All at 13 mos of age! He will be flying to CA in the next few weeks to live with dear friend Jane Chopson and her Joshie, GR CH Promenade Perfect Alibi. Cheers and bravosssssss to Gideon! Gonna miss that boy! :)

- Gideon... from this... puppy to all grown up...!
Thank you to Laurin Howard, Sara McAtee and to Jane Chopson,for taking this boy on to his show career. As the Judge said on Sunday, "You are going to have a lot of fun showing this boy!"
August 2011 |
- Janie and Bill have added two new family members..two Halfinger horses! Meet Maddie and
Kahlua. They are boarded five miles from home so Janie can see them as often as she wishes.

August 2011 |
Puppies coming in early September! Check out our Litter page.
Big news! Promenade Pistol Pete, liver male, out of Ian and Jenna, went to his first dog show and won! He was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for his first AKC point. Congrats to owners Sue and Joyce.
Summer 2011 |
- No summer puppies. We may have puppies available in the fall.
- Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, has three major wins, 2 Best of Breed wins and a Best Puppy in Show win. Bringing home the ribbons at 9 months old!
Spring 2011 |
- Promenade Pay It Forward, Gideon, was Winners Dog and Best of Winners at his very first show at 7 mos of age in Michigan. Bravos and cheers to Gideon!
- Our home bred Monkey is now AKC Champion Promenade Promise Her Anything. Celebrate!!!
Summer 2010 |
- Josh, AKC Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi, owned by Jane Chopson, CA, and co-owned by Jane Schildman, is the FIRST Field Spaniel to receive his AKC Grand Championship! Cheers to Josh and owner, Jane!
- Our home bred Monkey is now AKC Champion Promenade Promise Her Anything. Celebrate!!!
Spring 2010 |
- Jenna, Promenade Primrose Lane, finshed her Championship at the FSSA supported entry, with another major win, in Indiana. She also has several Best of Breed wins!
And, Monkey, Promenade Promise Her Anything, went Best of Breed over a Veteran Special from the classes. Monkey has all her major wins and needs one pt to finish her championship.
Fall 2009 |
- Our girls garnered points. Tessa picked up a point, Jenna, multiple points and multiple pts for
February 2009 |
- Solo is now AKC CH Promenade Party Down Under! Solo finished her AKC Championship in Indiana under Judge Robert Slay with a 4 point Major win, defeating 6 other females to earn her Championship. Solo is sired by our AU Import, Fieldspan Vin Diesel and Ch Promenade Pajama Party.
November 2008 |
- We have another new Champion at Promenade! Tana, our black and tan girl, is now AKC CH Promenade Promises! Promises! Treats tonight for "Miss Tana-Banana", as she is affectionately called :)
October 2008 |
- Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi, Josh, and his owner, Jane Chopson, continue to be "in the ribbons" in the Sporting Group ring! Way to go Josh and Jane! He contines his ranking in the TOP 5 Field Spaniels!
September 2008 |
- Solo, Promenade Party Down Under, won another two pts toward her Championship. Tana, Promenade Promises! Promises!, was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, for a four pt Major. She needs just one pt to finish her Championship.
July - August 2008 |
- Solo, Promenade Party Down Under, out of our AU import dog, received pts toward her Championship including a 5 pt Major. She needs just two pts to finish her AKC Championship. Asher, Ch Promenade Perfect Gentleman, competing in Best of Breed competition, won BOB at several shows over top ranked Field Spaniels and was pulled in the Sporting Group competition. Good boy, dear Asher!
May 2008 |
- Asher received one of four Award of Merit ribbons at the Field Spaniel National in Hampton , VA 2008. Asher's grandfather, CH Marshfield Boys Night Out, Henry, took Best of Breed at age 11 for the 6 TH time. Asher and Belle's grand daughter, Dassah. (Ch Promenade Pillow Talk, Ayla X Ch Nautica's Crimson Tide, Nathan) goes Best in Sweeps at the 2008 Field Spaniel National in Hampton, Va. She follows that with Best of Winners at the trailer show, Best Bred by Puppy, and on to a Group 1 in Best Bred by Puppy Group! Way to goooooooooooooo, Dassah!!
May 2008 |
- Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi, Josh, and owner, Jane Chopson, were thrilled with yet another Group Placement in Oregon. Congrats to Jane and Josh!
April 2008 |
- Josh, AKC Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi and owner Jane Chopson and Onyx, Mex International Ch/ AKC Ch and owner Tammy Osborn, both brought home Group Placement ribbons this month! Both are Multiple Gr Placing Fields from 2007. "Way to go", say Mom, Belle, and Dad, Asher.
March 2008 |
- Promenade Party Down Under, Solo, our home bred AU import puppy, went Major Reserve three days in Indiana and three days in Kentucky in her show debut. Thank you again to Diane Seymour of Fieldspan for sending us Fieldspan Vin Diesel.
- Promenade Promises! Promises!, Tana, goes Winner Bitch for two Majors in Ky. Tana now has three Majors and 10 pts. toward her Championship. Promenade Peace Be With You, Helen, goes Winners Bitch for a Major also, her show debut and first 3 pts.
Winter 2007/08 |
- Ayla earns two legs toward her Rally title.
- Ayla's daughter Dassah, Trailmark Plains of Passage, goes Winners Bitch three days in her show debut.
- Onyx, Ch Promenade Pridemark Pizzazz, earns his Mexican International Championship.
- Asher's son, Dexter, earns his first points in Texas in Puppy Class.
- Onyx wins AKC EUK Award of Excellence.
Fall 2007 |
- Kellar Finished his AKC Championship.
- Asher garners more Group Placements including a Group 2.
- Josh continues his winning ways with additional Group Placements.
- Tana wins a 4 PT Major in Chargin Falls, Ohio.
July 2007 |
- Ch Promenade Perfect Gentleman garners three Group placements in just
- two weekends. Go Asher!
- Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi, Josh, Asher's son, now has 6 Group placements
- and won the recent Field Spaniel supported entry out west.
- Ch Promenade Pridemark Pizzazz, Onyx, went Best of Breed and on to a
- Group 2!! Cheers!!
May 2007 |
- Josh, Ch Promenade Perfect Alibi, gets another Group placement in California. Shown by his owner, Jane Chopson, Josh, was awarded a Group 3.
April 2007 |
- Josh, CH. Promenade Perfect Alibi, has back to back group placements, A Group 3 and a 4! Congratulations to Josh and co-owner Jane Chopson in California.
February 2007 |
- Another new champion as Lindsey is now AKC CH Promenade Party Doll.
February 2007 |
- Kellar, Promenade Power of Atty, is Best of Winners in his first weekend out.
February 2007 |
- Ian, CH Promenade Personal Best, has two BOB wins in Marietta, Ohio.
December 2006 |
- Onyx, Ch. Promenade Pridemark Pizzazz, receives the award of excellence at the Eukanuba Classic in California. Onyx is owned by Tammy Osborn. Congratulations to Tammy and Onyx!! (photo below)
November 2006 |
- Lindsey, Promenade Party Doll, receives two 3 point majors toward her championship. Bliss, Promenade Promises to Keep, receives two 3 point majors
November 2006 |
- Josh, Promenade Perfect Alibi, receives his second 3 point major
October 2006 |
- Two new champions - Ian becomes AKC Ch. Promenade Personal Best and Wrenn becomes AKC Ch. Promenade Pajama Party
August 2006 |
- Coal, Asher's son goes BOS in sweeps
November 2004 |
- Schylar reaches the Rainbow Bridge
October 2004 |
- Diesel arrives from Australia
October 2004 |
- Puppies visit Retirement Nursing Care Center
Ch. Promenade Pridemark Pizzazz, receives
the award of excellence at the Eukanuba Classic in California. |
Our last English Springer, Toby, crossed
to the Rainbow Bridge.
He was 13 and will be dearly missed. We love you Toby and you will live on in our hearts forever. |
"Treat me kindly, my beloved
friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness
than the loving heart of me. Speak to me often, for your voice
is the world's sweetest music."
"And, my friend, when I am very old and I no longer enjoy
good health, hearing and sight, do not keep me going. I am not
having any fun. Please see to it that my life is taken gently.
I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath I draw that
my fate was always safest in your hands." -Author Unknown
My beloved Schylar, an English Springer Spaniel, took her last
breath held in my arms, our faces touching, our breathing almost
timed together.
She was my first "show dog" winning WB and BOW in our
first AKC show. Her wonderful temperment and playfulness made
her delight to have in our lives. She was a wonderful mother and
her son, Toby, age 11, lives with us today.
She is at peace and will live on in my heart forever.
I will see you again one day my dear friend................
1989-2004 |